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Scent Detection

Scent detection is currently one of the fastest growing dog sports in North America! This fun, teamwork sport requires the dog to find a hidden odour and alert their handler to its precise location. By building commitment for the target odour your dog will fulfill their natural desire to sniff while getting loads of mental stimulation and enrichment! This sport is welcoming for dogs and handlers of all ages and abilities, which is a large part of it's growing popularity among owners. Check out our classes to see what all the fuss is about!


Natasha is an active competitor in SDDA scent detection with her Miniature Dachshund, Flash and Labrador, Vesta. They currently compete at the Excellent level and are working on completing their Scent Detection Championship.  Since 2020, Natasha has enjoyed introducing many new teams to the fun sport of scent detection.



Saturday January 13th @ 10:00 AM

5 weeks

$235 taxes included


This course will introduce you and your dog to the world of scent detection. Whether you are just looking for a fun activity to do with your dog or looking to compete in SDDA and CKC events, this is the place to start! In this course, we will teach your dog how to build commitment for the target odour (Wintergeen Oil). As your dog gets better at locating the target odour we will increase the challenges to work on their problem solving skills and teach them to find odour in a variety of environments. 


We ask that all dogs have a flat collar or harness to switch to for their searches. A pocketful of SMALL, high value treats will also be required for classes. Students receive their own scent kit to continue practicing at home.



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